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What's Happening Next?

E-mail Instructions

You will receive an email with further instructions along with a link to open your Premium access.

Account Creation

Create your account with your logo, picture and details in a few clicks.


Start using the App with your custom templates and create as much as you want!

Choose your plan

We've got you covered!

Is the subscription contract-based?

No. We offer a contract-free subscription. Simply pay-as-you-go, monthly or yearly, and cancel anytime you want.

What’s the procedure to cancel my subscription?

Just head to your dashboard at and cancel your subscription in the billing section. As simple as that.

Can I use the App on my computer?

No you can’t. Momenzo is 100% mobile. You should be able to use it everywhere from your phone.

Can I share my videos to the classified platforms of my country?

Sure. The big car classifieds have now understood the importance of video. In some cases, your listing will even be highlighted in search results if your provide a video with it!

Can I go from monthly to yearly-subscription plan later on?

Yes you can. That will be a new billing cycle.

If I encounter a technical difficulty, can I get support?

A trouble free user-experience is our priority. Therefore, we offer human customer service instead of an AI. Also, you can visit our support page for video tutorials.

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